• Codice fiscale: 93049170777
  • Codice meccanografico: MTIC823003
  • Telefono: +39 0835 207109
  • Email: mtic823003@istruzione.it
  • Pec: mtic823003@pec.istruzione.it

e-twinning projects

Siamo lieti di annunciare di essere  fra le 1.211 scuole che hanno ricevuto il Certificato di Scuola eTwinning dopo una procedura di selezione in due parti. Queste scuole sono vere e proprie pioniere e sono state riconosciute leader in aree come:


elenco  dei progetti

  Ancient theaters echo in their silence

The purpose is to study the architecture of the Greek and the Roman theaters as well as to dramatize extracts of great tragic poets. During our research we will exchange information on the ancient theaters in Greece and abroad. We are going to create a network of schools which are friendly-oriented towards the ancient theaters focusing on promoting this unique achievement of world cultural heritage. We are also going to create an output of our study by using software tools.


   The Motivational story book

it is a project of collaborative work in which students will exchange motivational stories. The aim is to develop their imagination, to get better their English writing skills, to enrich their inner life and it is a good way to make students interact, but also to broaden their horizons.



It is a project of collaborative work in which pupils will exchange information about themselves, about the Christmas and Easter traditions and their hometown. 
The aim is to broaden pupil´s horizons – to get to know a new country with its traditions and customs, to find out what we have in common or what is different; to get better their English, to enrich pupil´s life and it is a good way to make students interact and make friendship. 


     WHAT'S NEW?

video1           video 2        video 3

English and ICT are the most important things in a young learner’s life, and so it seems necessary the collaboration between two partners in order to learn to use them properly . The two partners have to share information about their own life, habits, traditions using different ITC. At the end of the project they will have breakfast all together during a videoconference in order to spend time together with the new friends


  The Christmas cards carve new roads in etwinning

The Celebration of Christmas and the expectation of the new year , is a special period in which people feel friendly and open and generous to the others. Also it is a period with a common sense in whole Europe. The collaborated schools as a main task , will exchange cards and wishes in traditional ways and in digital ways.


    Partageons les joies de Noël!

Le thème sera traité autour des 5 sens : • L’ouïe : Enregistrer un chant de Noël : • La vue : Des photos de décorations de chaque ville. • Le toucher : quizz mystère. Nous pouvons envoyer des objets typiques de la célébration de noël par la poste. • L’odorat : les senteurs qui évoquent Noël : cannelle- sapin – chocolat chaud…etc • Le goût : Présenter des recettes traditionnelles de Noël.


   Christmas and New Year's Eve across Europe

                             video 1        video 2     

The Celebration of Christmas and the expectation of the new year , is a special period in which people feel friendly and open and generous to the others. Also it is a period with a common sense in whole Europe. The collaborated schools will exchange cards and wishes in traditional ways such post or e-ways such videos etc.